
What are Bath Fizzies? Bath fizzies, also known as bath bombs, are balls that when dropped into the tub will fizz and moisturize. You need two essential ingredients to make bath fizzies: citric acid (for the fizz) and baking soda (moisturizing). Bath fizzies can be so much more than just that though! This handout explores ingredients you can use (and why you'd want to) in bath bombs and gives you a number of recipes to experiment with.

What is Bubble Bath? If we look up bubble bath in the dictionary you’ll find this description: “a bath of water with liquid, crystals, or powered added to make it foam and have a fragrant smell.” That pretty much sums up what bubble bath is. We’re adding a surfactant to the water to create a “foam” reaction or in other words: bubbles! This handout goes over the different ingredients we can use and provides recipes to experiment with.

What are Bath Salts? Bath salts are just that: salts that you put into your bath. Bath salts are great for a little bit of pampering and many salts have the added benefit of having therapeutic qualities. Bath salts are claimed to have some of these benefits: stimulate circulation, ease muscle cramps, help relieve stiffness in joints, aid with arthritis or back pain, and soothe achy and overworked muscles. This handout explains the different salts you can use for baths as well as the properties they lend to a bath. It offers eight essential oil blend combinations you can add to your salts as well.


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All About Bath Fizzies, Bubble Bath & Bath Salts HANDOUT $14.99

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